How to Watch Anime, Save Telegram Videos & Open Links in Chrome:
1. Watch Anime: - For some anime, you’ll have one option (click 'Watch Now' to stream directly). - For others, you’ll have multiple options: - TeraBox: Click 'Watch Now' to stream. - Telegram: Click 'Watch Now' to watch via Telegram. - Direct Online: Stream directly by clicking 'Watch Now'. - Download: Click 'Download' to save the episode. - Clicking 'Watch Now' will redirect you to the selected platform automatically.
2. Save Telegram Video to Gallery: - Play the video in Telegram. - Tap the three dots (menu) in the top-right. - Select "Save to Gallery" or "Save Video".
3. Open Telegram Link in Chrome:
- Option 1: Copy the Telegram link and paste it into the Google Chrome address bar, then hit Enter.
- Option 2: 1. Go to Telegram Settings. 2. Open Chat Settings. 3. Find "In-App Browser". 4. If it’s enabled, disable it.
ReplyDeleteI wanna watch now can you plz tell me how can I watch now
DeleteHow to Watch Anime, Save Telegram Videos & Open Links in Chrome:
Delete1. Watch Anime:
- For some anime, you’ll have one option (click 'Watch Now' to stream directly).
- For others, you’ll have multiple options:
- TeraBox: Click 'Watch Now' to stream.
- Telegram: Click 'Watch Now' to watch via Telegram.
- Direct Online: Stream directly by clicking 'Watch Now'.
- Download: Click 'Download' to save the episode.
- Clicking 'Watch Now' will redirect you to the selected platform automatically.
2. Save Telegram Video to Gallery:
- Play the video in Telegram.
- Tap the three dots (menu) in the top-right.
- Select "Save to Gallery" or "Save Video".
3. Open Telegram Link in Chrome:
- Option 1: Copy the Telegram link and paste it into the Google Chrome address bar, then hit Enter.
- Option 2:
1. Go to Telegram Settings.
2. Open Chat Settings.
3. Find "In-App Browser".
4. If it’s enabled, disable it.